As of Friday, April 3, 2020 the CDC now recommends Americans consider wearing cloth face covering in public. NPR reports, it is mainly to prevent those people who have the virus — and might not know it — from spreading the infection to others. The guidelines do not give many details about coverings beyond: “cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure.” The news is hitting across the country today, including our local New Hampshire Valley News paper.

Protection Many People Already Have
Every skier or snowboarder, and possibly hunter, fisherman, climber, or runner probably has at least one Buff® in their gear. We’d like to suggest you use your Buff to cover your face while out in public. While not an approved medical device, a Buff® is a great way to cover your nose and mouth in public to protect against the potential spread germs related to Covid-19. This gives a whole new meaning to Buff Brand Products tagline “multifunctional headwear”.
For those that might not have a Buff®, they can be purchased at any local ski shop, outdoor shop, fishing shop and even some hardware and general merchandise stores. Many of these stores that are not deemed essential are still taking orders from their online stores and shipping. If you are having trouble locating a Buff® to use, please use our Contact Us form and we will help you locate an online store to buy one from. While you’re shopping online you may want to purchase a Gift Card from that store or your local shop too. Now is the time to support your local (ski, outdoor, bike, etc.) shop if you want them to be around when this whole mess ends.
Online retailers where you can buy a Buff today
(Shops will be added as we learn of more!)
- Goose Hummock Shops , Massachusetts
- Kittery Trading Post, Maine
- Lenny’s Shoe and & Apparel, Vermont
- Compleat Angler, Connecticut
- Be Outdoors (Appalachian Mountain Club), New Hampshire (Shop > Apparel > Accessories)